Words that start with A and end with A


Exploring words that start with the letter “A” and end with the letter “A” can be an intriguing linguistic exercise. These words often carry unique meanings, origins, and usage patterns, showcasing the rich diversity of the English language. From common terms to more obscure vocabulary, this exploration offers insights into word formation and structure, making it an engaging activity for language enthusiasts and learners alike.


In this collection, we will delve into words that begin with “A” and end with “A,” highlighting their definitions and usage in context. From nouns to adjectives and even verbs, these words cover various parts of speech, demonstrating the versatility of English vocabulary.

Whether you are expanding your word knowledge or seeking inspiration for creative writing, this curated list provides a fascinating glimpse into the linguistic treasures within this specific word category.

2 letter words starting with A and ending with A

  Two letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are two-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:


3 letter words starting with A and ending with A

3 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some three-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Ala
  • Ana
  • Asa

4 letter words starting with A and ending with A

   Four letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are several four-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Aria
  • Alma
  • Amia
  • Agma
  • Agra
  • Area
  • Aura

5 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some five-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Arena
  • Aurora
  • Aroma
  • Abaca
  • Alpha
  • Amiga
  • Atria

6 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some six-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Amoeba
  • Armada
  • Adagia
  • Arabia
  • Anemia
  • Arriba
  • Aurora
  • Adulza

7 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Seven letter words starting with A and ending with A
  • America
  • Agrafia
  • Alumina
  • Alpaca
  • Against
  • Anatomy
  • Andrea
  • Abdomia
  • America
  • Agrafia
  • Alumina
  • Alpaca
  • Against
  • Anatomy
  • Andrea
  • Abdomia

8 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are several eight-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Ambrosia
  • Alumina
  • Amaretta
  • Amblyopia
  • Anaconda
  • Amaracina
  • Anathema
  • Anesthesia
  • Angelica
  • Arapaima
  • Aromatica
  • Asafetida
  • Astrakhan
  • Autarkia
  • Argentina

9 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are several nine-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Alburnina
  • Antilegua
  • Antinazia
  • Antiquita
  • Araucaria
  • Aristotel
  • Arsenical
  • Asiagoche
  • Auriculae
  • Albinuria
  • Allemandia
  • Amatoriae
  • Ambulacra
  • Angelicae
  • Arbovira
  • Amanuensis
  • Analeptica
  • Antitypia
  • Apophygea
  • Arachnida

10 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Ten letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are several ten-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Allopurina
  • Antinovela
  • Ammoniuria
  • Antennaqua
  • Analemmata
  • Acriflavin
  • Asparagina
  • Atropellia
  • Antependia
  • Asclepiada
  • Adelantada
  • Algarroba
  • Amarantina
  • Amphigoria
  • Apenninica
  • Antimonial
  • Aponeurosa
  • Appassiona
  • Argentaria
  • Assumptiva

11 letter words starting with A and ending with A

  • Anastigmata
  • Atheromata
  • Astigmatica
  • Asclepiada
  • Antheridia
  • Allegretta
  • Alloploida
  • Antennulae
  • Antinausea
  • Adenovirida
  • Amphiploida
  • Antonomasia
  • Aerobrakia
  • Ameboidomania
  • Angiocarpia
  • Autogenesia
    • Anteroparietofrontosuperiora
  • Anticonvulsanta
  • Antitubercula
  • Antidepressa

Words that start with O and end with O

12 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some twelve-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Antalgicastra
  • Archipelaga
  • Arthropoda
  • Astragalofa
  • Asclepiadea
  • Acanthaceae
  • Antiphrasis
  • Aromanticua
  • Antonomasia
  • Antepenultima
  • Alcyonaceida
  • Anomalopida
  • Antiallergia
  • Antimarihuana
  • Archaeornitha

13 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some thirteen-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Antielectroma
  • Antihistamina
  • Antioxidanta
  • Antisentimenta
  • Antivibrissa
  • Anticoagulanta
  • Antipsychotica
  • Antispasmodica
  • Antisudorifica
  • Antiterrorista

14 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Fourteen  letter words starting with A and ending with A

Here are some fourteen-letter words that start with ‘A’ and end with ‘A’:

  • Antidepressanta
  • Antiepileptica
  • Antihelminthia
  • Antinarrativa
  • Antiprogestina
  • Antithetically
  • Antitubercular
  • Antivivisection
  • Anticolonialista

Words that start with A and end with

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