With That Being Said (25 Other Ways To Say)


When it comes to effective communication, finding diverse ways to express ideas can greatly enhance clarity and engagement. One common phrase often used in discussions and writing is “with that being said.” While this phrase serves its purpose, expanding your vocabulary with alternative expressions can add depth and variety to your language. 

In this article, we will explore 25 different ways to convey the same sentiment, accompanied by scenario examples to illustrate their usage.


The article explores diverse ways to say “with that being said.” It provides scenarios and phrases. Pros: variety, clarity, engagement, and professionalism. Cons: overuse, fit, understanding, and length. Conclusion: linguistic versatility is crucial for effective communication.

List of Other Ways To Say “With That Being Said

1. That being noted

 That being noted

Subject: Project Update
Dear Daniel,

I appreciate your input during our meeting yesterday regarding the project timeline. That being noted, we will prioritize tasks accordingly to meet the upcoming deadline.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase implies acknowledgment of previous information or points made.

2. In light of this

Subject: Event Rescheduling
Dear Team,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, in light of this, we have decided to reschedule the annual company picnic next month. Please update your calendars accordingly.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase suggests considering new information or circumstances.

3. Moving on

Subject: Feedback Session
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the latest marketing campaign. Moving on, let’s discuss actionable steps for improvement in our next meeting.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase signals transitioning to a new topic or action.

4. Having mentioned that

Subject: Budget Review
Dear Team,

Having reviewed the quarterly budget report, having mentioned that, we will reallocate resources to optimize project outcomes moving forward.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase indicates a connection between previous discussion points and subsequent actions.

5. To add to this

Subject: Meeting Agenda
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for sharing your insights on the agenda items. To add to this, we will also discuss potential collaborations with external partners.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase introduces additional relevant information or ideas.

6. To follow up

 To follow up

Subject: Action Items
Dear Team,

After our brainstorming session yesterday, to follow up, please complete the assigned action items by the end of the week.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase prompts action or continuation from a previous discussion or task.

7. That being acknowledged

Subject: Client Meeting Recap
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for summarizing the key points from our client meeting. That being acknowledged, we will incorporate their feedback into our proposal.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase signifies recognition or acceptance of information or feedback.

8. In continuation

Subject: Project Update
Dear Team,

In continuation from our previous update, we have made significant progress on the software development phase. Please review the latest build and provide your feedback by Friday.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase indicates the ongoing nature of a process or discussion.

9. To sum up

Subject: Presentation Highlights
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your detailed presentation today. To sum up, the key takeaways include market trends analysis and upcoming product launches.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase encapsulates the main points or highlights of a discussion or presentation.

10. In conclusion

Subject: Project Completion
Dear Team,

In conclusion of our month-long efforts, I am pleased to announce the successful completion of the client’s project. Let’s celebrate this achievement together on Friday!

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase indicates the end or final outcome of a process or discussion.

11. As previously stated

Subject: Policy Update
Dear Team,

As previously stated, all employees are required to attend the upcoming safety training session on Monday. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase refers back to information or instructions mentioned earlier.

12. Given this information

Given this information

Subject: Proposal Submission
Dear Daniel,

Given this information, please finalize the budget estimates and submit the proposal to the client by Friday as planned.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase acknowledges the relevance or importance of the provided information.

“Looking Forward to Talking To You”

Other Ways To Say ‘I Look Forward to Meeting You

13. Taking all into account

Subject: Decision-making Process
Dear Team,

Taking all into account, we have decided to proceed with the new supplier based on their competitive pricing and product quality.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase emphasizes considering all relevant factors or inputs.

14. Consequently

Subject: Market Analysis Results
Dear Daniel,

The latest market analysis indicates a shift in consumer preferences. Consequently, we will adjust our marketing strategies to align with these trends.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase signifies a cause-and-effect relationship or logical result.

15. Therefore

Subject: Team Performance Review
Dear Team,

Therefore, it is crucial that we implement regular training sessions to enhance our team’s performance and productivity.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase introduces a logical conclusion or recommendation based on preceding information.

16. In essence

Subject: Company Values
Dear Team,

In essence, our core values of integrity and innovation guide all our business decisions and interactions with stakeholders.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase captures the fundamental nature or core idea of a concept or situation.

17. In summary

Subject: Monthly Report Highlights
Dear Daniel,

In summary, the sales department exceeded targets by 15% last month, showcasing our team’s dedication and effectiveness.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase provides a brief overview or synopsis of key points.

18. As a result

Subject: Policy Implementation
Dear Team,

As a result of recent feedback from employees, we are updating our telecommuting policy to allow more flexibility starting next week.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase introduces a consequence or outcome based on previous actions or decisions.

19. In the same vein

 In the same vein

Subject: Innovation Discussion
Dear Daniel,

In the same vein as our last brainstorming session, let’s explore unconventional ideas to drive product innovation.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase suggests continuity or similarity in approach or thinking.

20. In line with this

Subject: Quality Control Measures
Dear Team,

In line with this, we will conduct random audits to ensure compliance with our new quality control protocols.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase emphasizes alignment or agreement with a previous statement or action.

21. Accordingly

Subject: Task Delegation
Dear Daniel,

You will lead the marketing campaign project. **Accordingly**, please schedule a kickoff meeting with the team to discuss timelines and deliverables.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase indicates that an action or decision is appropriate or suitable based on previous information or instructions.

22. In retrospect

In retrospect

Subject: Project Review
Dear Team,

In retrospect, we should have allocated more resources to the initial phase of the project to avoid delays. Let’s learn from this experience for future endeavors.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase reflects looking back on a situation or decision with hindsight or reflection.

23. On that note

Subject: Team Meeting Reminder
Dear Daniel,

On that note, please remember to bring your progress report for the quarterly review meeting tomorrow.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase transitions to a related or connected point or reminder.

24. In consequence

In consequence

Subject: Policy Violation Notice
Dear Team,

In consequence of repeated policy violations, we are implementing stricter monitoring measures effective immediately.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase introduces a specific result or action due to a preceding event or situation.

25. In consideration of this

Subject: Vacation Request Approval
Dear Daniel,

In consideration of this, we approve your vacation request for next week. Please ensure all pending tasks are completed before your departure.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Additional note: This phrase acknowledges a specific factor or situation when making a decision or judgment.

Pros and Cons of Using Different Phrases

Now that we’ve explored 25 different ways to say “with that being said,” it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of using these alternatives in various communication contexts.


  1. Variety: Using diverse phrases enhances language richness and avoids repetition.
  2. Clarity: Different phrases can convey nuances or emphasize different aspects of a message.
  3. Engagement: Varied language keeps readers or listeners attentive and interested.
  4. Professionalism: Employing varied expressions demonstrates language proficiency and communication skills.


  1. Overuse: Using too many alternative phrases in a single communication may seem forced or unnatural.
  2. Contextual Fit: Some phrases may be more suitable for formal or informal contexts, so choosing the right phrase is crucial.
  3. Understanding: Ensure that the recipient understands the chosen phrase’s meaning to avoid confusion.
  4. Length: Some alternative phrases may be longer or more complex, impacting the overall flow of the communication.


The article offers diverse ways to express “with that being said.” Pros include variety, clarity, engagement, and professionalism. Cons consist of overuse, fit, understanding, and length issues. In conclusion, versatility in language is vital for effective communication. 

It helps convey ideas clearly and keeps listeners engaged. However, using too many phrases can be confusing. Context matters in choosing the right phrase. Understanding the meaning is crucial for effective communication.

Longer phrases may disrupt flow. Overall, mastering diverse expressions enriches language skills. It enhances communication impact and fosters deeper connections. Practicing balance in using alternative phrases is key. 

Flexibility in language use is a sign of proficiency. Adapting expressions to context and audience ensures clear communication. Embracing linguistic diversity is a valuable skill in today’s communication landscape

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