25 Other ways to say the text states


When writing, it’s crucial to vary your language to avoid repetition and keep your content engaging.

Here are 25 alternative phrases to use instead of “the text states,” each accompanied by a scenario example for practical application.

1. The Document Asserts That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope this email finds you well. The document asserts that our project timeline needs adjustment due to unforeseen delays. Could you please review the updated schedule and provide your feedback by the end of the week?

Best regards,
Adam Evans

2. The Manuscript Affirms That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I wanted to share with you the latest findings from our research. The manuscript affirms that implementing the new strategy has led to a significant increase in productivity. I believe these insights will be valuable as we plan our next steps.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

3. The Paper Contends That…

The Paper Contends That...

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re doing well. The paper contends that our current marketing approach might need revision to better target our key demographics. Your expertise in consumer behavior would be invaluable in refining our strategy.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

4. The Report Asserts That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I wanted to update you on the recent findings regarding our sustainability initiatives. The report asserts that our efforts to reduce carbon emissions have been successful, exceeding initial projections. I look forward to discussing how we can build on this momentum.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

5. The Study Maintains That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope you’re having a productive week. The study maintains that incorporating mindfulness practices in our daily routines can enhance employee well-being and productivity. I would appreciate your thoughts on how we can integrate these findings into our workplace culture.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans!

6. The Analysis Concludes That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re doing well. The analysis concludes that our current customer retention strategies need to be revamped to address recent trends. Your insights as our customer experience specialist would be invaluable in refining our approach.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

7. The Research Indicates That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. The research indicates that there is a growing demand for eco-friendly products in the market. This presents us with a strategic opportunity to expand our product line accordingly.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

8. The Findings Suggest That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re well. The findings suggest that reallocating resources to our digital marketing efforts could yield higher returns based on current consumer behavior trends. Your expertise in analytics would be invaluable in optimizing our strategy.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

9. The Document Posits That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I wanted to share an interesting perspective from our latest research. The document posits that adopting a flexible work-from-home policy could enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. I look forward to discussing the potential implications for our team.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

10. The Manuscript States That…

The Manuscript States That...

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re having a productive day. The manuscript states that our recent partnership agreements have strengthened our market position significantly. I believe these developments warrant a strategic review of our expansion plans.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

11. The Paper Argues That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope you’re well. The paper argues that investing in employee training programs can lead to higher retention rates and improved overall performance. Your insights as our HR manager would be valuable in shaping our training strategy.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

12. The Report Maintains That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re having a productive week. The report maintains that expanding our customer support team is crucial to enhancing customer satisfaction levels. Your input on staffing requirements would be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

13. The Study Affirms That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope this message finds you well. The study affirms that our recent marketing campaign has effectively increased brand awareness among our target audience. I look forward to discussing how we can capitalize on this momentum.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

14. The Analysis Asserts That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re doing well. The analysis asserts that optimizing our supply chain management processes could lead to significant cost savings. Your expertise in logistics would be invaluable in implementing these improvements.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

15. The Research Posits That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope you’re having a great day. The research posits that incorporating AI-driven solutions into our customer service operations could streamline processes and improve response times. I look forward to your insights on this potential initiative.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

16. The Findings Contend That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re well. The findings contend that adopting a new software platform could enhance our project management efficiency significantly. Your perspective as our IT specialist would be invaluable in evaluating this solution.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

17. The Document Suggests That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope this email finds you in good health. The document suggests that incorporating sustainability metrics into our annual reports could enhance transparency and stakeholder trust. I look forward to discussing the potential implications with you.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

18. The Manuscript Concludes That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re having a productive day. The manuscript concludes that diversifying our supplier base could mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions. Your insights on vendor management would be invaluable in implementing this strategy.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

19. The Paper Indicates That…

Scenario Example:

The Paper Indicates That...

Dear Daniel,

I trust this message finds you well. The paper indicates that implementing a mentorship program could foster professional development and employee engagement. I look forward to your thoughts on launching this initiative.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

20. The Report Affirms That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope you’re doing well. The report affirms that enhancing our cybersecurity measures is critical to safeguarding sensitive data. Your expertise in IT security would be instrumental in strengthening our defenses.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

21. The Study Argues That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re having a productive week. The study argues that implementing flexible work hours could boost employee morale and productivity. Your insights on workforce management would be valuable as we explore this option.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

22. The Analysis Posits That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope you’re well. The analysis posits that integrating AI technology into our customer support systems could improve response times and customer satisfaction levels. Your expertise in technology implementation would be essential in evaluating this opportunity.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

23. The Research Maintains That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re doing well. The research maintains that expanding our presence in emerging markets is key to achieving our growth targets. I look forward to discussing potential strategies with you.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

24. The Findings State That…

 The Findings State That...

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. The findings state that enhancing our product packaging design could attract a broader customer base. Your creative input would be valuable in this endeavor.

Best regards,
Adam Evans

25. The Document Argues That…

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I trust you’re well. The document argues that adopting sustainable practices could enhance our brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers. I look forward to your insights on implementing these initiatives.

Warm regards,
Adam Evans

Pros and Cons

Before concluding the article, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of using various phrases to express “the text states.” This section will provide a balanced view of their effectiveness in different contexts.


  1. Variety: Using diverse phrases enriches the language and prevents repetition.
  2. Precision: Different phrases can convey subtle differences in meaning or emphasis.
  3. Engagement: Readers are more likely to stay interested with varied language.


  1. Complexity: Some alternative phrases may be more complex and less familiar.
  2. Misinterpretation: Different phrases might convey unintended nuances.
  3. Flow: Using too many varied phrases can disrupt the flow of writing if not used judiciously.


Why should I use alternative phrases instead of “the text states”?

Using alternative phrases adds variety and sophistication to your writing. It prevents monotony and keeps your readers engaged by presenting information in different ways.

How do I choose the right alternative phrase?

Consider the tone, audience, and context of your writing. Choose a phrase that accurately reflects the message you want to convey and aligns with the style of your document.

Can I mix these alternative phrases within the same document?

Yes, mixing these phrases can enrich your writing. Just ensure that transitions between phrases are smooth and logical to maintain coherence.



In conclusion, varying the phrase “the text states” with these 25 alternative expressions not only enhances the richness of your writing but also ensures clarity and engagement for your readers. Whether you’re writing an email, report, academic paper, or any other document, using diverse language can make your communication more effective and compelling.

By incorporating these alternatives into your writing, you can convey your message with nuance and precision, catering to different audiences and contexts. Experiment with these phrases to find the ones that best suit your style and purpose, ensuring your content remains fresh and impactful.

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between variety and clarity. Choose phrases that resonate with your audience and enhance the overall readability of your text.

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