25 Other Ways To Say “That Works For Me”


Exploring alternative phrases to express agreement can add versatility and richness to our conversations. In this compilation, we present 25 diverse ways to convey the sentiment of “That works for me.” From straightforward affirmations likeSounds good to me” to more colorful expressions such as “I’m on board with that,” this list offers a spectrum of options to suit various situations and personal styles.

Whether you’re aiming for a casual chat or a formal discussion, these alternatives provide an array of choices to effectively communicate your agreement.


“Exploring diverse ways to express agreement can enrich our communication skills. Here are 25 alternative phrases to replace ‘That works for me.’ From casual responses like ‘Sounds good to me’ to more formal options such as ‘I’m in agreement,’ this list offers a variety of expressions to suit different contexts and personal styles. Whether you’re aiming for a friendly tone or a professional demeanor, these alternatives provide versatile options for affirming agreement in conversations.”

List Of Other Ways To Say “That Works For Me”

  • Sounds good!
  • Perfect!
  • I’m on board!
  • That’s fine by me.
  • Count me in!
  • I’m okay with that.
  • I’m game!
  • It suits me.
  • No problem!
  • I’m happy with that.
  • That’s acceptable.
  • Sure thing!
  • I’m cool with it.
  • That’ll do!
  • I agree.
  • Let’s do it!
  • That’s acceptable.
  • It’s all right with me.
  • Absolutely!
  • That’s alright.
  • I’m content with that.
  • I’m satisfied.
  • That’s agreeable.
  • That’s satisfactory.
  • I’m fine with that.

1. Sounds Good!

Sounds Good!

When you hear an idea or proposal that aligns with your thoughts, responding with “Sounds good!” is a casual yet affirmative way to express agreement. This phrase conveys enthusiasm and approval without being overly formal.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Finalizing the Project Timeline

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed timeline for our upcoming project, and everything looks well-planned and achievable. Sounds good! Let’s move forward with this schedule.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

2. Perfect!

Using “Perfect!” acknowledges that the suggestion or plan presented is exactly what you were hoping for or expecting. It’s a concise way to convey satisfaction and approval.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Meeting Time

Hello Brian,

Thank you for suggesting next Tuesday at 10:00 AM for our team meeting. Perfect! That time slot works perfectly for me.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

3. I’m on Board!

I'm on Board!

“I’m on board!” expresses your readiness and willingness to support a decision or plan. It signifies your commitment to being part of the endeavor.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Organizing the Charity Event

Dear Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed activities for the upcoming charity event, and I’m on board! Let’s collaborate to make this event a success.

Warm regards,

Michael Thompson

Other Ways To Say ‘I Look Forward to Meeting You

4. That’s Fine by Me.

This phrase communicates your acceptance of a proposal or suggestion without any objections. It’s a polite and neutral way to express agreement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Choosing the Venue for the Conference

Hi Brian,

I’ve looked into the options for the conference venue, and that’s fine by me. The location you suggested seems suitable for our needs.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

5. Count Me In!

When you want to enthusiastically show your willingness to participate in an activity or plan, saying “Count me in!” is a positive and affirming response.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Planning the Team Outing

Hello Brian,

I heard about the team outing you’re organizing, and count me in! I’m excited to join and bond with the team outside of work.

Warm regards,

Michael Thompson

6. I’m Okay with That.

I'm Okay with That.

“I’m okay with that” indicates your acceptance of a proposal or decision. It implies that while you may not be overly enthusiastic, you have no objections to the suggestion.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Choosing the Caterer for the Event

Hi Brian,

After reviewing the catering options, I’m okay with that. The menu looks diverse and should accommodate everyone’s preferences.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

Other Ways To Say “Thank You for Your Kind Words”

7. I’m Game!

I'm Game!

Using “I’m game!” expresses your eagerness and enthusiasm to participate in an activity or plan. It conveys a sense of excitement and readiness.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Joining the Sports Tournament

Hey Brian,

Thanks for inviting me to participate in the upcoming sports tournament. I’m game! Let’s aim for victory.


Michael Thompson

8. It Suits Me.

“I’m satisfied with that, it suits me” communicates that the proposal or decision aligns well with your preferences or requirements. It suggests a satisfactory outcome for you.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Selecting the Theme for the Event

Hi Brian,

I’ve considered the proposed themes for the event, and it suits me. Let’s proceed with the “Tropical Paradise” theme.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

9. No Problem!

“No problem!” conveys that you have no objections or issues with the proposal or plan presented. It’s a friendly and informal way to express agreement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Adjusting the Meeting Time

Hi Brian,

Thanks for suggesting moving the meeting to 2:00 PM. No problem! That time works better for me.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

10. I’m Happy with That.

I'm Happy with That.

Expressing “I’m happy with that” indicates your satisfaction and contentment with the proposal or decision. It conveys a positive attitude towards the suggestion.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Agreeing on the Budget Allocation

Hey Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed budget allocation, and I’m happy with that. It seems reasonable and well-distributed.


Michael Thompson

11. That’s Acceptable.

When you say “That’s acceptable,” you’re indicating that you find the proposal or plan to be satisfactory and suitable. It’s a neutral and polite way to express agreement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Finalizing the Travel Itinerary

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed travel itinerary, and that’s acceptable. Let’s go ahead and book the flights and accommodations accordingly.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

12. Sure Thing!

Using “Sure thing!” communicates your willingness and agreement with a proposal or plan. It implies confidence and readiness to proceed.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Project Deadline

Hello Brian,

Thank you for confirming the project deadline. Sure thing! I’ll ensure all tasks are completed by then.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

13. That’ll Do!

When you say “That’ll do!” you’re expressing that the proposal or plan meets your requirements adequately. It suggests that while it may not be perfect, it’s sufficient.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Reviewing the Design Mockups

Hey Brian,

I’ve reviewed the design mockups for the new website, and that’ll do! Let’s proceed with refining these further.


Michael Thompson

14. I Agree.

I Agree.

“I agree” is a straightforward way to express your alignment with a proposal or decision. It indicates your support and concurrence.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Meeting Agenda

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed meeting agenda, and I agree. Let’s stick to this agenda for our upcoming meeting.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

15. Let’s Do It!

Using “Let’s do it!” conveys your eagerness and readiness to proceed with a plan or proposal. It expresses enthusiasm and commitment.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Launching the Marketing Campaign

Hi Brian,

Thanks for finalizing the details of the marketing campaign. Let’s do it! I’m excited to see the results.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

16. It’s All Right with Me.

When you say “It’s all right with me,” you’re indicating your acceptance and lack of objections to the proposal or plan. It’s a casual and agreeable response.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Deciding on the Team Building Activity

Hey Brian,

I’ve heard about the proposed team building activity, and it’s all right with me. I’m open to trying something new.


Michael Thompson

17. Absolutely!

Using “Absolutely!” expresses strong agreement and enthusiasm towards a proposal or plan. It conveys wholehearted support and approval.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Endorsing the New Company Policy

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the details of the new company policy, and absolutely! I believe it will greatly benefit our team.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

18. That’s Alright.

When you say “That’s alright,” you’re indicating acceptance of the proposal or plan without any objections. It’s a casual and easygoing way to express agreement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Meeting Location

Hey Brian,

Thanks for suggesting the coffee shop for our meeting. That’s alright, I know it’s a convenient spot for both of us.


Michael Thompson

19. I’m Content with That.

“I’m content with that” expresses your satisfaction and acceptance of the proposal or plan. It conveys a sense of being pleased with the decision.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Finalizing the Training Schedule

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed training schedule, and I’m content with that. It covers all the necessary topics effectively.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

20. I’m Satisfied.

Using “I’m satisfied” indicates that the proposal or plan meets your expectations and requirements. It expresses contentment with the decision.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Agreeing on the Project Scope

Hey Brian,

Thanks for outlining the project scope. I’m satisfied with the details provided, and I believe we can deliver successfully within this scope.


Michael Thompson

21. That’s Agreeable.

When you say “That’s agreeable,” you’re indicating your acceptance and alignment with the proposal or plan. It suggests a mutual understanding and agreement.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Budget Allocation

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed budget allocation, and that’s agreeable. Let’s proceed with these allocations for the project.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

22. That’s Satisfactory.

Expressing “That’s satisfactory” implies that the proposal or plan meets the necessary standards or requirements. It indicates acceptance without necessarily being overly enthusiastic.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Reviewing the Project Timeline

Hello Brian,

Thank you for sharing the revised project timeline. That’s satisfactory, and I believe it allows us enough time to complete each phase effectively.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

23. I’m Fine with That.

When you say “I’m fine with that,” you’re indicating your acceptance of the proposal or plan without any objections. It suggests that the decision meets your expectations.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Meeting Agenda

Hi Brian,

I’ve reviewed the proposed meeting agenda, and I’m fine with that. It covers all the necessary topics we need to address.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

24. I’m Happy to Proceed.

Using “I’m happy to proceed” expresses your willingness and agreement to move forward with the proposal or plan. It conveys a positive attitude towards the decision.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Finalizing the Partnership Agreement

Hey Brian,

Thanks for sending over the partnership agreement. I’m happy to proceed with the terms outlined. Let’s move forward with signing.


Michael Thompson

25. That’s a Go!

When you say “That’s a go!” you’re indicating your readiness and agreement to proceed with the proposal or plan. It’s a decisive and affirmative response.

Scenario Example:

Subject: Confirming the Product Launch Date

Hi Brian,

After reviewing the market analysis, that’s a go! Let’s proceed with launching the new product on the proposed date.

Best regards,

Michael Thompson

“Is the phrase ‘That works for me’ viewed as professional?”

The perception of whether the phrase “That works for me” is considered professional can vary depending on the context and the individuals involved. In some professional settings, particularly those that prioritize formal language and communication, using more traditional or structured expressions may be preferred.

However, in many modern workplaces and casual interactions, “That works for me” is often regarded as an acceptable and efficient way to convey agreement or acceptance of a proposal. Ultimately, the appropriateness of this phrase depends on the specific circumstances and the cultural norms of the environment in which it is used.

Pros and Cons of Using Different Phrases


Exploring alternative expressions to convey agreement, such as the 25 provided in this list, offers a rich tapestry of language to navigate everyday interactions. From casual affirmations like “Sounds good to me” to more formal responses such as “That aligns with my perspective,” the options are diverse and adaptable to various social and professional contexts.

By embracing these alternatives, individuals can not only enrich their communication skills but also foster deeper connections and understanding in their interactions. So whether in the workplace, among friends, or in any other setting, these varied expressions serve as valuable tools to effectively convey agreement and collaboration.

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