25 Formal Synonyms for “As Previously Mentioned”


In the realm of formal communication, precision and clarity are paramount. Employing a diverse array of synonyms for “as previously mentioned” enhances the sophistication of expression, ensuring coherence and professionalism.

In the realm of formal communication, particularly in written correspondence, the adept use of synonyms not only enriches language but also adds a layer of sophistication to one’s expression.

When it comes to referring back to a point or topic already discussed, employing a diverse range of synonyms for “as previously mentioned” can enhance clarity and elegance in communication.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 25 formal synonyms for “as previously mentioned,” accompanied by scenario examples to illustrate their usage effectively.

List of Formal Synonyms for “As Previously Mentioned”

As Previously Mentioned”
  • Aforementioned
  • Previously stated
  • Earlier mentioned
  • As noted before
  • As indicated
  • As referenced
  • As mentioned earlier
  • As previously discussed
  • As outlined
  • As pointed out
  • As brought up previously
  • As cited
  • As highlighted
  • As remarked
  • As stated previously
  • As brought to attention before
  • As recounted
  • As declared earlier
  • As already noted
  • As spoken of earlier
  • As previously specified
  • As previously brought up
  • As previously alluded to
  • As previously referred to
  • As previously communicated


In the domain of formal communication, precision and clarity are paramount. Harnessing the power of synonyms not only enriches language but also elevates the sophistication of expression. The ability to seamlessly refer back to previously discussed points is a hallmark of effective communication.

In this guide, we delve into 25 formal synonyms for “as previously mentioned,” each meticulously selected to enhance clarity and elegance in communication. Through scenario examples, we illustrate how these synonyms can be seamlessly integrated into written correspondence, enriching the discourse with nuance and precision.

This comprehensive exploration serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to elevate their communication skills in formal settings, ensuring clarity, coherence, and professionalism in every exchange.

Formal Synonyms for “As Previously Mentioned”

1. Aforementioned

In formal writing or discourse, the term “aforementioned” is often favored for its precise and dignified tone. It denotes something mentioned earlier in the text or conversation, adding a sense of formality and clarity.

Scenario Example:

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the project timeline. As per the aforementioned discussion during our last meeting, the deadline for the completion of Phase 1 remains unchanged.

2. Previously Stated

Previously Stated in As Previously Mentioned”

The phrase “previously stated” is commonly employed in formal contexts to refer back to an idea or point that has been expressed earlier. Its straightforward nature makes it ideal for maintaining clarity in written communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I am writing to provide clarification on the budget allocation for the upcoming fiscal year. As previously stated in the memorandum circulated last week, the finance department has outlined the proposed expenditure plan.

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3. Earlier Mentioned

 Earlier Mentioned

When looking to reference a point discussed earlier, the phrase “earlier mentioned” serves as an elegant alternative. Its simplicity ensures that the reader easily connects the current reference to the preceding discussion.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

Please find attached the revised project timeline for your review. As earlier mentioned in our kickoff meeting, we have adjusted the milestones to accommodate the client’s feedback.

4. As Noted Before

“As noted before” is a formal expression that signals the reader or listener to recall a point previously highlighted. Its use adds a touch of professionalism to written communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the updated company policies regarding remote work arrangements. As noted before in the staff newsletter issued last month, employees are required to adhere to the guidelines outlined therein.

5. As Indicated

As Indicated in As Previously Mentioned”

The phrase “as indicated” is often employed to direct attention to a previously specified point or instruction. Its precise nature ensures clarity in conveying references in formal discourse.

Scenario Example:

Dear Mr. Brown,

Following our recent discussion regarding the marketing strategy for the new product launch, please proceed with the implementation plan as indicated in the comprehensive report submitted last week.

6. As Referenced

As Referenced

In formal communication, “as referenced” is utilized to direct the reader’s attention to a previously cited source or point. Its usage indicates a clear connection to earlier discussions or materials.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

In preparation for the upcoming client presentation, kindly review the research findings as referenced in the market analysis report shared earlier this quarter.

7. As Mentioned Earlier

As Mentioned Earlier

When seeking to refer back to a point discussed earlier in a formal setting, the phrase “as mentioned earlier” is a succinct and effective choice. Its clarity aids in maintaining coherence in written communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I am writing to follow up on the action items discussed during our strategic planning session. As mentioned earlier, your input on the budget reallocation is integral to our decision-making process.

8. As Previously Discussed

As Previously Discussed

“As previously discussed” is a phrase commonly used in formal communication to remind the reader or listener of a topic that has already been deliberated. Its use conveys a sense of organization and continuity in the discourse.

Scenario Example:

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your prompt response regarding the proposed changes to the project scope. As previously discussed in our teleconference last week, we have finalized the adjustments based on client feedback.

9. As Outlined

As Outlined in As Previously Mentioned”

When referring back to a previously detailed plan or procedure, the phrase “as outlined” serves as a clear and concise signal. Its usage directs attention to specific instructions or guidelines provided earlier.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

As we proceed with the implementation phase of the project, please adhere to the timeline as outlined in the project charter distributed at the onset of the initiative.

10. As Pointed Out

As Pointed Out

In formal communication, “as pointed out” is utilized to direct attention to a specific observation or detail highlighted earlier. Its use ensures that the reader or listener recalls the previously mentioned point.

Scenario Example:

Dear Colleagues,

In light of the recent market trends, I would like to emphasize the importance of diversifying our product portfolio, as pointed out in the market analysis presentation last month.

11. As Brought Up Previously

As Brought Up Previously

The phrase “as brought up previously” is employed to remind the reader or listener of a topic that was raised earlier in the discourse. Its use facilitates continuity and clarity in formal communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I appreciate your input during the team meeting regarding the proposed changes to the project timeline. As brought up previously, we need to consider the potential impact on resource allocation.

12. As Cited

 As Cited

When referencing a source or authority previously mentioned, the phrase “as cited” is employed to indicate a direct quotation or reference. Its use adds credibility and rigor to formal communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

As we finalize the research report for client review, please ensure that all statistical data are accurately referenced as cited in the industry reports provided earlier.

13. As Highlighted

The phrase “as highlighted” is utilized in formal communication to draw attention to a specific point or detail previously emphasized. Its use reinforces key insights or recommendations.

Scenario Example:

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your detailed analysis of the project risks and mitigation strategies. As highlighted in your report, proactive risk management is crucial to project success.

14. As Remarked

In formal discourse, “as remarked” is employed to refer back to a comment or observation made earlier in the conversation. Its use ensures that the reader or listener recalls the relevant point.

Scenario Example:

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to revisit the discussion on cost-saving measures proposed during our budget review meeting. As remarked by several team members, optimizing resource allocation is imperative in the current economic climate.

15. As Stated Previously

As Stated Previously

The phrase “as stated previously” is commonly used in formal communication to remind the reader or listener of a point that has been expressed earlier. Its clarity aids in maintaining coherence in the discourse.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I am writing to provide an update on the client negotiations. As stated previously in our email correspondence, we are currently in the process of finalizing the terms of the agreement.

16. As Brought to Attention Before

“When seeking to remind the reader or listener of a matter previously discussed, the phrase “as brought to attention before” serves as a formal and precise choice. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

As we prepare for the upcoming audit, please review the compliance checklist as brought to attention before in the training session conducted last month.

17. As Recounted

In formal communication, “as recounted” is employed to refer back to a narrative or sequence of events previously described. Its usage adds a sense of continuity and coherence to the discourse.

Scenario Example:

Dear Adam,

I appreciate your thorough review of the project milestones and deliverables. As recounted in the project kickoff meeting, meeting client expectations is paramount to project success.

18. As Declared Earlier

The phrase “as declared earlier” is utilized in formal communication to remind the reader or listener of a statement or proclamation made earlier. Its use adds a sense of formality and authority to the discourse.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

Following our discussion on the proposed budget revisions, I would like to reiterate the company’s commitment to fiscal responsibility as declared earlier in the annual shareholders’ meeting.

19. As Already Noted

When referring back to a point or detail previously mentioned, the phrase “as already noted” serves as a concise and effective choice. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in formal communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the key findings of the market research conducted last quarter. As already noted in the executive summary, consumer preferences are shifting towards sustainable products.

20. As Spoken of Earlier

The phrase “as spoken of earlier” is employed to remind the reader or listener of a topic or subject previously discussed. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in formal communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your input during the team meeting regarding the proposed changes to the project timeline. As spoken of earlier, we need to consider the potential impact on resource allocation.

21. As Previously Specified

In formal discourse, “as previously specified” is utilized to direct attention to a detail or instruction provided earlier. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in conveying references.

Scenario Example:

Dear Team,

As we finalize the project deliverables, please ensure that all requirements as previously specified in the project scope document are met to client satisfaction.

22. As Previously Brought Up

 As Previously Brought Up

The phrase “as previously brought up” is employed to remind the reader or listener of a topic or point discussed earlier. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in formal communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I appreciate your feedback on the proposed changes to the sales strategy. As previously brought up in our strategy session, customer retention should be a primary focus.

23. As Previously Alluded To

 As Previously Alluded To

“When looking to refer back to a point indirectly mentioned earlier, the phrase “as previously alluded to” serves as a formal and nuanced choice. Its usage adds depth and sophistication to communication.

Scenario Example:

Dear Colleagues,

As we embark on the new project initiative, I would like to revisit the discussion as previously alluded to in the strategic planning session regarding market penetration strategies.

24. As Previously Referred To

In formal communication, “as previously referred to” is utilized to direct attention to a point or subject mentioned earlier. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in conveying references.

Scenario Example:

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the project timeline. As previously referred to in our email correspondence, the deadline for Phase 1 remains unchanged.

25. As Previously Communicated

As Previously Communicated

The phrase “as previously communicated” is commonly used in formal communication to direct attention to information or instructions provided earlier. Its usage ensures clarity and coherence in conveying references.

Scenario Example:

Dear Daniel,

I am writing to provide clarification on the budget allocation for the upcoming fiscal year. As previously communicated in the memorandum circulated last week, the finance department has outlined the proposed expenditure plan.

Pros and Cons of Using Formal Synonyms for “As Previously Mentioned”

Employing formal synonyms for “as previously mentioned” in written communication offers several advantages, including:

Clarity: Formal synonyms enhance clarity by signaling references to points discussed earlier.Overly Formal Tone: Excessive use of formal synonyms may create a stiff or overly formal tone, which could be off-putting in certain contexts.
Professionalism: The use of formal language adds a sense of professionalism and sophistication to written correspondence.Complexity: Some formal synonyms may be less familiar to readers, potentially leading to confusion or misunderstanding.
Variety: A diverse range of synonyms prevents repetition and adds richness to language.Length: Using formal synonyms may result in longer sentences or paragraphs, which can affect readability and flow.
Coherence: Formal synonyms contribute to the coherence of written communication by maintaining a clear connection between ideas.Subjectivity: The choice of formal synonym may be subjective and dependent on individual writing style or preference.
Precision: Each synonym may convey a slightly different nuance, allowing for precise communication tailored to the context.Risk of Redundancy: In some cases, using formal synonyms may be unnecessary and could potentially lead to redundancy if not used judiciously.


In conclusion, while formal synonyms for “as previously mentioned” can enhance clarity and professionalism in written communication, it is essential to strike a balance and use them judiciously to avoid detracting from the overall effectiveness of the message.

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